Turning Customer Feedback into Action: Enhancing Service with Amazon Connect NPS Dashboard

We've all been there – stuck on a frustrating call with customer service, hoping for quick and effective assistance, only to end up feeling more exasperated than before. Recently, I experienced such a scenario first-hand when I called my broadband provider to resolve an issue with my service. Expecting a seamless resolution, I was instead met with a series of unhelpful agents, each one more clueless than the last. By the end of the call, I was thoroughly annoyed and disappointed.

Then came the survey – a simple question asking how likely I was to recommend the company to a friend or colleague. Given my experience, my answer was a resounding “Not at all.” This moment of dissatisfaction drove home the importance of understanding and acting on customer feedback. It's not just about resolving issues; it's about creating an experience that leaves customers feeling valued and understood.

"Data is a precious thing and will last longer than the systems themselves."
– Tim Berners-Lee

The Power of NPS

The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a powerful tool that measures customer loyalty and satisfaction. By asking customers to rate their likelihood of recommending your business on a scale of 0 to 10, you can categorise them into Promoters (9-10), Passives (7-8), and Detractors (0-6). This simple metric provides deep insights into customer sentiment and loyalty.

But collecting NPS data is only the first step. To truly leverage its power, businesses need to transform these insights into actionable improvements. This is where the Amazon Connect NPS dashboard, visualised by CloudInteract, becomes an invaluable asset.

Amazon Connect NPS Dashboard: Your Path to Better Customer Loyalty

The Amazon Connect NPS dashboard is designed to help businesses not just capture customer feedback, but also act on it. Here’s how it can transform your customer service operations:

Holistic View of Customer Sentiment: The dashboard provides a high-level overview of your NPS, showing trends over time. This allows managers to quickly identify whether customer sentiment is improving or declining and take proactive steps accordingly.

Detailed Agent Performance: By breaking down NPS scores by individual agents, the dashboard highlights who is excelling and who may need additional training. This granularity helps managers provide tailored coaching and support, improving overall service quality.

Queue Analysis: Different service queues may have different NPS results. The dashboard analyses these variations, helping managers pinpoint areas that need attention and understand where improvements can be made.

Customer Journey Insights: The dashboard tracks how customers move through the service process and where they are likely to become Detractors. This helps businesses refine their service flows to reduce friction and enhance customer satisfaction.

The Dashboard in Action

Let’s take a closer look at the features of the Amazon Connect NPS dashboard using the detailed visual provided by CloudInteract:

Overall NPS Score and Trends: The main metric shows the current NPS and how it has trended over the selected period. For example, you can see if your score is improving or if there are times when customer sentiment dips, allowing you to investigate and address issues promptly.

Survey Metrics: Key statistics such as the number of surveys offered, started, and completed are displayed prominently. This data is essential for understanding customer engagement with the surveys and ensuring you have enough responses to draw meaningful conclusions.

Agent-Specific Data: The dashboard lists individual agents along with their respective survey offers, starts, and completions. It also provides average scores, helping managers identify high and low performers and understand the factors driving these results. Additionally, CloudInteract enhances understanding with call recordings and transcripts.

Queue Analysis: Surveys are broken down by queue, showing the number of surveys offered, started, and completed for each. This helps in identifying which areas of the business might be causing customer dissatisfaction and require more focus.

Question-Specific Feedback: The dashboard provides detailed insights into specific questions, showing average scores for each. This helps businesses understand which aspects of their service are performing well and which need improvement.

How CloudInteract Can Help

At CloudInteract, we specialise in turning complex data into actionable insights. Our Amazon Connect NPS dashboard is designed to help businesses like yours understand the intricacies of customer feedback and take proactive steps to enhance service quality. Here’s how we can support your journey:

Custom Configuration: We tailor the dashboard to meet your specific business needs, ensuring you capture the most relevant data.

Training and Support: Our team ensures that your staff can effectively utilise the dashboard's features and gain their maximum value.

Continuous Improvement: As a trusted AWS partner, we ensure you are always informed about the latest Amazon Connect updates. This commitment helps you leverage new features and enhancements for continuous improvement.


Customer loyalty and satisfaction are the bedrock of any successful business. With the Amazon Connect NPS dashboard by CloudInteract, you gain a powerful tool to transform customer feedback into meaningful improvements. By understanding where your service excels and where it falls short, you can train your agents more effectively, refine your processes, and ultimately provide a better experience for your customers.

So, the next time a customer like me calls seeking help, they’ll leave the conversation not just satisfied, but ready to recommend your service to others. With CloudInteract’s NPS dashboard, you can ensure that every customer interaction is a chance to find out why they’re satisfied or not, make the necessary improvements, and then build loyalty and drive success.

Yashi Sheth

Digital Marketing Lead at CloudInteract

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